Amphisphaeriales » Sporocadaceae » Bartalinia

Bartalinia rosicola

Bartalinia rosicola Wanas., Camporesi, E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde, in Wanasinghe et al., Fungal Diversity: 10.1007/s13225-018-0395-7, [189] (2018)

Index Fungorum number: IF554221; Facesofungi number: FoF 04064

Etymology: The specific epithet reflects the host genus Rosa.

Holotype: MFLU 153235.                                           

Saprobic on spines of Rosa canina L. Asexual morph Conidiomata 100–150 µm high × 120–180 µm diam. (x̄ = 122.9 × 133.2 µm, n = 5), pycnidial to sporodochial, mostly solitary, immersed, unilocular, conic, or subglobose with flattened base, dark brown to black. Conidiomata wall 5–10 µm thick, not well defined, composed of thin-walled, pale brown, pseudoparenchymatous cells which are darker around the ostiole and the sides of the pycnidium, at the base fusing into the host tissue. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells 6–9 × 2–3 µm (x̄ = 8.1 × 2.4 µm, n = 40), discrete, hyaline, cylindrical, smooth- and thin-walled, with one or two percurrent proliferations. Conidia 18–22 × 4–6 µm (x̄ = 20.4 × 5.3 µm, n = 40), hyaline, cylindrical or fusiform, smooth-walled, 4-septate, apical and basal cell short, the former conical and the latter truncate, of the three median cells that next to the basal cell is longest, median cells thicker-walled than end cells. Apical appendage 8–16 µm long, hyaline, cylindrical, normally bi- or trifurcate near the apical cell, tapering towards apices. Basal appendage lateral, hyaline, cylindrical, 2–4 µm long. Sexual morph: Undetermined.

Material examined: ITALY, Forli-Cesena Province, Collina, Forli, on dead aerial spines of Rosa canina L. (Rosaceae), 11 November 2014, Erio Camporesi IT 2226 (MFLU 153235, holotype), living culture MFLUCC 170645.

GenBank Numbers: ITS: MG828872; LSU: MG828988; SSU: MG829100

Note: According to phylogenetic analysis, Bartalinia rosicola is sister to the B. laurina clade with its type B. robillardoides and species B. pondoensis. Bartalinia laurina bears typically 4-septate conidia, similar to B. rosicola. However, there is significant morphological variation in the conidial measurement i.e. L/W ratio for B. laurina is 7.4 which is larger than B. rosicola (3.8) (Nag Raj 1993). Bartalinia pondoensis, B. bischofiae, B. tamarinds, B. bella, and B. bombacicola are significantly different in conidial morphology with 3 septa (Marincowitz et al. 2010).