Pleosporales » Didymosphaeriaceae » Paraphaeosphaeria

Paraphaeosphaeria viciae

Paraphaeosphaeria viciae N.I. de Silva, Camporesi & K.D. Hyde, in Tibpromma et al., Fungal Diversity 83: 57 (2017)

Index Fungorum number: IF 552714; Facesofungi number: FoF 2776

Etymology: Name reflects the host genus Vicia.

Holotype: MFLU 15-1231

Saprobic on Vicia sp. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomata 113–163 μm diam. semi-immersed, solitary to gregarious, scattered, globose to subglobose, uniloculate, pale brown, ostiolate. Ostioles circular, without papilla. Conidiomata wall 8–13 μm wide, composed of thin-walled, hyaline to light brown cells of textura angularis. Conidiophores indistinct. Conidiogenous cells 3–5 × 2–4 μm (x̄ = 4.1 × 3 μm), enteroblastic, phialidic, cylindrical to subcylindrical, ampulliform, discrete, hyaline, smooth. Conidia 4–5 × 1–2 μm diam. (x̄ = 4.8 × 2.1 lm), subglobose to ellipsoid or obovoid, hyaline to pale, smooth and thick-walled, guttulate. Sexual morph: Undetermined.

Culture characteristics: Colonies on PDA 35 mm diam. after 21 days at 25 °C, irregular, flat, smooth surface with undulate edge, white colour colony and reverse pale brown.

Material examined: ITALY, Forlı`-Cesena Province, Monte Mirabello-Predappio, on dead branch of Vicia sp. (Fabaceae), 18 May 2015, Erio Camporesi, IT2482 (MFLU 15-1231 holotype), ex-type living culture KUMCC 16-0184.

GenBank Numbers LSU:KY397948, SSU:KY397947, ITS:KY379969.

Notes: Paraphaeosphaeria viciae shares some similarities with P. spartii in having subglobose to ellipsoid or obovoid, aseptate conidia with guttules. Paraphaeosphaeria viciae however, has 113–163 μm diam., semi-immersed, globose to subglobose conidiomata as compared to 200–300 μm diam. in P. spartii (Liu et al. 2015, Wijayawardene et al. 2016). DNA sequence analyses confirm the position of our new taxon in Didymosphaeriaceae and indicate the genus is polyphyletic (Tibpromma et al. 2017).