Pleosporales » Lophiostomataceae


Lophiopoacea Ariyaw., Thambug. & K.D. Hyde, in Thambugala et al., Fungal Diversity: 10.1007/s13225-015-0348-3, [22] (2015)

Index Fungorum number: IF 551240; Facesofungi number: FoF 00806

Etymology: In reference to Lophiostoma-like genus and its Poaceae host

Saprobic on Poaceae species in terrestrial habitats. Sexual morph: Ascomata scattered to gregarious, immersed, coriaceous to carbonaceous, dark brown to black, surrounded by a small blackened pseudoclypeus, subglobose to conical, ostiolate. Ostiole slit-like, central, with a reduced crest and a pore-like opening, plugged by gelatinous tissue, made up of lightly pigmented, pseudoparenchymatous cells. Peridium wider at the apex, and thinner at the base, comprising several layers of lightly pigmented to dark brown, cells of textura angularis, cells towards the inside lighter and somewhat broad, at the outside, darker, fusing and indistinguishable from the host tissues. Hamathecium comprising 1.5–2.5 μm wide, septate, branched, cellular pseudoparaphyses, situated between and above the asci, embedded in a gelatinous matrix. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindric-clavate, pedicellate, rounded at the apex, with an indistinct ocular chamber. Ascospores uniseriate to bi-seriate, overlapping, hyaline, fusiform with narrow, acute ends, 1–5-septate, constricted at the central septum, with or without a mucilaginous sheath. Asexual morph: Undetermined.

Type species: Type species: Lophiopoacea paramacrostoma Ariyawansa, Thambugala, Camporesi & K.D. Hyde





Thambugala KM, Hyde KD, Tanaka K, Tian Q et al. 2015 Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Lophiostomataceae, Floricolaceae, and Amorosiaceae fam. nov. Fungal Diversity. 74, 199266.


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